JDPCI Abuja as the social arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has been involved in Good Governance activities for so many years.

This is important because of the alignment with Catholic Social Teaching.

The Catholic Church has a long-standing commitment to social justice and the promotion of human dignity. Engaging in Good Governance activities is consistent with these principles, as it seeks to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency in governance processes.

Good Governance ensures that public policies and decisions serve the common good and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable in society. By monitoring democracy and advocating for transparent and accountable governance, JDPCI Abuja contributes to creating a more just and equitable society.

The Catholic Church emphasizes moral values such as integrity, honesty, and justice. By actively participating in democracy monitoring, JDPCI Abuja promotes these values within the political sphere, fostering a culture of ethical leadership and responsible governance.

Good Governance is closely linked to the protection of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. By monitoring democracy and advocating for good governance practices, JDPCI Abuja works to safeguard these rights and ensure that all members of society can live with dignity and equality.

Democracy monitoring and advocacy efforts help strengthen democratic institutions and processes. By holding governments accountable, promoting transparency, and encouraging citizen participation, JDPCI Abuja contributes to the development and consolidation of democratic governance systems.

In summary, JDPCI Abuja’s involvement in Good Governance activities is essential for upholding the values of the Catholic Church, advocating for the common good, promoting moral values, protecting human rights, and strengthening democracy in Nigeria.