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Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja Justice, Development and Peace Caritas Initiative [JDPCI]


Justice, Development and Peace Caritas Initiative (JDPCI) Abuja, is a faith-based, non-governmental organization dedicated to the attainment of an egalitarian society where social justice, equity and human dignity thrives for the common good of all humanity. Registered under the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja with CAC Registration number 7337954, JDPCI has been delivering on key thematic areas for over 30 years of existence. Our intervention is geared towards livelihood support and empowerment for vulnerable households, human and community development, protection of human rights, civic education, advocacy, Prison welfare, environmental protection, migration and anti-trafficking, social development, peace building, and conflict resolution. Our operations are guided by our vision, mission, and core values. Our values are based on Catholic social teaching which promotes the basic principles of subsidiarity, stewardship, option for the poor, protection of human life, equity, and the Common Good. Our programs focus on integral human development and the needs of the most vulnerable populations, particularly women and youths. Women and youth are at the heart of JDPC Abuja’s intervention efforts because our experience shows that their gains translate into benefits for families and communities. The organization is headquartered in Area 3 Garki Abuja and has 10 key staff and more than 400 volunteers across the 190 Catholic Parishes around the Federal Capital Territory.

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Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja. Justice, Development and Peace Caritas Initiative [JDPCI]

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We are involved in different aspects of human development, which are categorized under ten thematic areas of focus, namely:

For over 30 years of existence, JDPCI Abuja have been responding to protecting the rights of individuals, particularly vulnerable groups like women, youths, victims of human trafficking, persons with disabilities, and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in FCT-Abuja, Nigeria, it is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it upholds their dignity and ensures their basic human rights are respected, fostering a more just and equitable society. Secondly, safeguarding these rights promotes social cohesion and stability by addressing underlying issues such as discrimination and marginalization. Additionally, protecting vulnerable groups contributes to sustainable development by enabling their full participation in economic, social, and political life. Finally, it reinforces the rule of law and strengthens democratic institutions, laying the foundation for a more inclusive and prosperous society for all.

JDPCI Abuja’s support for prison apostolate is vital for promoting human dignity, fostering restorative justice, providing holistic support to inmates, and advocating for reforms within the criminal justice system.


 Inmates are often marginalized and face various challenges, including lack of access to basic needs, healthcare, and legal support. By providing support through prison apostolate, JDPCI Abuja helps alleviate their suffering and promotes their well-being.


Prison apostolate aims to promote restorative justice principles, focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration of inmates into society. JDPCI Abuja’s support can include educational programs, vocational training, counseling, and other interventions aimed at helping inmates rebuild their lives and become productive members of society upon release.


 Every person, including those incarcerated, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. JDPCI Abuja’s involvement in prison apostolate reinforces the belief in the inherent dignity of every individual and seeks to ensure that inmates are treated humanely and with compassion.


 Many inmates experience feelings of loneliness, despair, and hopelessness. JDPCI Abuja’s support through spiritual counseling, pastoral care, and emotional support can provide comfort and help inmates find a sense of purpose and hope during their time in custody.


By engaging in prison apostolate, JDPCI Abuja also advocates for reform within the criminal justice system. This include addressing issues such as overcrowding, inadequate facilities, and the need for alternative sentencing options that prioritize rehabilitation over punitive measures.

JDPCI Abuja as the social arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has been involved in Good Governance activities for so many years.

This is important because of the alignment with Catholic Social Teaching.

The Catholic Church has a long-standing commitment to social justice and the promotion of human dignity. Engaging in Good Governance activities is consistent with these principles, as it seeks to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency in governance processes.

Good Governance ensures that public policies and decisions serve the common good and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable in society. By monitoring democracy and advocating for transparent and accountable governance, JDPCI Abuja contributes to creating a more just and equitable society.

The Catholic Church emphasizes moral values such as integrity, honesty, and justice. By actively participating in democracy monitoring, JDPCI Abuja promotes these values within the political sphere, fostering a culture of ethical leadership and responsible governance.

Good Governance is closely linked to the protection of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. By monitoring democracy and advocating for good governance practices, JDPCI Abuja works to safeguard these rights and ensure that all members of society can live with dignity and equality.

Democracy monitoring and advocacy efforts help strengthen democratic institutions and processes. By holding governments accountable, promoting transparency, and encouraging citizen participation, JDPCI Abuja contributes to the development and consolidation of democratic governance systems.

In summary, JDPCI Abuja’s involvement in Good Governance activities is essential for upholding the values of the Catholic Church, advocating for the common good, promoting moral values, protecting human rights, and strengthening democracy in Nigeria.

Protecting the environment is crucial for sustaining life on Earth, and the Laudato Si’ model, inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the responsibility to care for our common home. Using eco-friendly briquette charcoal introduced by JDPCI Abuja with funding support from CAFOD aligns with this model.

Protecting the environment is crucial for sustaining life on Earth, and the Laudato Si’ model, inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and the responsibility to care for our common home. Using eco-friendly briquette charcoal aligns with this model by:

Protecting the environment helps maintain biodiversity, which is essential for ecosystem stability and resilience. Eco-friendly practices like using briquette charcoal minimize habitat destruction and support diverse ecosystems.

Eco-friendly alternatives reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which contribute to climate change. Briquette charcoal production typically emits less carbon dioxide compared to traditional charcoal, helping to mitigate global warming.

Also, The Laudato Si’ model emphasizes the need for sustainable development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Using eco-friendly briquette charcoal ensures that natural resources are conserved for future generations.

Environmental degradation disproportionately affects vulnerable communities. By protecting the environment, especially through sustainable practices like eco-friendly briquette charcoal production, we uphold human dignity by safeguarding the well-being of all people, particularly those most affected by environmental degradation.

The Laudato Si’ model advocates for an integral ecology that considers the interconnectedness of environmental, social, economic, and cultural dimensions. Protecting the environment through eco-friendly practices fosters this holistic approach to sustainability, addressing environmental challenges while promoting human flourishing and social justice.

Vocational training of youth and women, facilitated by initiatives like the Youth Entrepreneurship Development and Empowerment Scheme (YEDES) by JDPCI Abuja with funding support from the Catholic Relief Services CRS, is critical for national growth and economic empowerment for several reasons.

Firstly, vocational training equips individuals, particularly youth and women, with practical skills that are in demand in the job market. This increases their employability and reduces unemployment rates, thereby contributing to overall economic growth.

Secondly, by focusing on youth in the FCT, vocational training addresses the demographic dividend by harnessing the potential of the youthful population. Empowering young people with skills enables them to become productive contributors to the economy rather than being dependent on social support systems.

Moreover, vocational training enhances entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities. By fostering a culture of innovation and self-reliance, it stimulates small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) which are essential for economic diversification and resilience.

Additionally, empowering women through vocational training not only improves their economic status but also promotes gender equality and social inclusion. When women have access to skills training and entrepreneurship opportunities, they contribute to household income and decision-making processes, leading to broader societal benefits.

Overall, vocational training of youth and women is critical for national growth as it builds human capital, fosters entrepreneurship, reduces poverty, and promotes social inclusion, all of which are essential elements for sustainable development and economic empowerment.

JDPCI Abuja is pleased to collaborate with CRS on a revolving and revolutionary vocational training scheme for our youths in FCT.

[3/17, 13:40] Timothy Ejeh. JDPC: 4. *Good Governance (Democracy Monitoring)*

JDPCI Abuja as the social arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja has been involved in Good Governance activities for so many years.

This is important because of the alignment with Catholic Social Teaching.

The Catholic Church has a long-standing commitment to social justice and the promotion of human dignity. Engaging in Good Governance activities is consistent with these principles, as it seeks to ensure fairness, accountability, and transparency in governance processes.

Good Governance ensures that public policies and decisions serve the common good and prioritize the needs of the most vulnerable in society. By monitoring democracy and advocating for transparent and accountable governance, JDPCI Abuja contributes to creating a more just and equitable society.

The Catholic Church emphasizes moral values such as integrity, honesty, and justice. By actively participating in democracy monitoring, JDPCI Abuja promotes these values within the political sphere, fostering a culture of ethical leadership and responsible governance.

Good Governance is closely linked to the protection of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights. By monitoring democracy and advocating for good governance practices, JDPCI Abuja works to safeguard these rights and ensure that all members of society can live with dignity and equality.

Democracy monitoring and advocacy efforts help strengthen democratic institutions and processes. By holding governments accountable, promoting transparency, and encouraging citizen participation, JDPCI Abuja contributes to the development and consolidation of democratic governance systems.

In summary, JDPCI Abuja’s involvement in Good Governance activities is essential for upholding the values of the Catholic Church, advocating for the common good, promoting moral values, protecting human rights, and strengthening democracy in Nigeria.

The civil education activities conducted by JDPCI Abuja are crucial for nation-building for several reasons. Firstly, they empower individuals with knowledge about their civil rights and duties, fostering a more informed and engaged citizenry. This leads to increased civic participation and accountability, which are essential for the functioning of a democratic society.

Secondly, by sensitizing the general public, schools, and marginalized groups, JDPCI Abuja helps bridge societal divides and promote social cohesion. When people understand their rights and responsibilities, they are more likely to respect the rights of others and work together for the common good.

Furthermore, civil education contributes to the development of a culture of lawfulness and respect for human rights. This is fundamental for building strong institutions and promoting the rule of law, which are essential for sustainable development and the protection of democracy.

Overall, JDPCI Abuja’s civil education activities play a crucial role in shaping a more just, inclusive, and prosperous society, laying the foundation for effective nation-building.